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Supply-Side  Equilibrium: 
Growth  and  Nonpure  Competition 

The  Library  of  the 
MAY  1  b  iwi 

University  of  Illinois 
of  Urbana-Champalgn 

Hans  Brents 

Department  of  Economics 

Bureau  of  Economic  and  Business  Research 

College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 

University  of  Illinois  at  Urbana-Champaign 



College  of  Commerce  and  Business  Administration 

University  of  Illinois  at  Grbana-Champaign 

March  1991 

Supply-Side  Equilibrium: 
Growth  and  Nonpure  Competition 

Hans  Brems 

Department  of  Economics 

University  of  Illinois 

1206  South  Sixth  Street 

Champaign,  IL  61820 


Box  99  Commerce  West 

1206  S.  Sixth  Street 

Champaign,  IL  61820 

FAX  (217)   384-0014 

(217)  344-0171 

1103  South  Douqlas  Avenue    Urbana.  Illinois  61801 
March   11,    1991 


By  Hans  Brems 


The  original  monetarist   and  New  Classical   supply-side  equilibria 
remained  static  models  of  pure  competition.      Their  capital   stock 
remained  frozen  rather  than  being  optimized.      At   such  frozen  capital 
stock  and  a    "natural"   rate  of  unemployment,   physical   output,    called   the 
"natural"    supply  of  goods,    was  Immune   to  monetary  and  fiscal  policy. 

Within   a  framework  of  growth  and  nonpure  competition  we  restate 
the   supply-side   equilibrium  and  find  physical   output  no  longer  Immune. 
Lowering   the  rate   of  growth   of   the  money  supply  or  lowering   the   tax  rate 
will   raise   the  equilibrium  levels  of  capital   stock  and  output. 


Monetarist  [Friedman  (1968)]  and  New  Classical  [Lucas  (1972), 
Sargent  (1973),  and  Sargent-Wallace  (1975)]  supply-side  equilibria  were 
purely  competitive  and  as  static  as  the  Keynesian  demand-side 
equilibrium  had  been:   nothing  moved.   Capital  stock  remained  frozen 
rather  than  being  optimized.   At  such  frozen  capital  stock  the  physical 
output  corresponding  to  a  "natural"  rate  of  employment  was  called  the 
"natural"  supply  of  goods  and  was  immune  to  monetary  and  fiscal  policy. 

But  throughout  the  last  half  of  our  century,  inherent  dynamics 
kept  creeping  into  macroeconomic  theory,  at  first  only  as  afterthoughts. 
The  Phillips  curve  took  the  derivative  of  the  money  wage  rate  with 
respect  to  time.   The  government  budget  constraint  took  the  derivatives 
of  the  money  and  bond  supplies  with  respect  to  time.   Growth  theory  went 
beyond  such  afterthoughts  and  took  the  derivatives  of  all  its  variables 
with  respect  to  time. 

For  our  growth-theory  background  we  use  Solow's  1956  model — old, 
simple,  and  robust  and  still  good  for  a  Nobel  Prize.   To  it  we  add 
government  and  nonpure  competition  to  see  how  much  of  a  supply-side 
equilibrium  will  survive. 


1.   Variables 

C  =  physical  consumption 

D  =  demand  for  money 

G  =  physical  government  purchase  of  goods 

g  =  proportionate  rate  of  growth 

I  =  physical  investment 

k  =  present  gross  worth  of  another  physical  unit  of  capital  stock 

k  =  physical  marginal  productivity  of  capital  stock 

L  =  labor  employed 

n  =  present  net  worth  of  another  physical  unit  of  capital  stock 

P  =   price  of  good 

R  =  tax  revenue 

r  =  before-tax  nominal  rate  of  interest 

p  =  aftertax  real  rate  of  interest 

S  =  physical  capital  stock 

w  =  money  wage  rate 

X  =  physical  output 

Y  =  money  national  income 

y  =  money  disposable  income 

2 .  Parameters 

a  =  joint  factor  productivity 
a,R   s  exponents  of  a  production  function 
b  =  a  demand  parameter 
c  s  propensity  to  consume 

ti  =  reciprocal  of  Marshallian  price  elasticity  of  demand 
F  =  available  labor  force 
X   2  "natural"  employment  rate 
M  a  supply  of  money 

m  2  reciprocal  of  the  velocity  of  money 
T  2  tax  rate 

All  parameters  are  stationary  except  a,  F,  and  M,  whose  growth 
rates  are  stationary. 

3.  Definitions 

Define  the  proportionate  rate  of  growth  of  variable  v  as 


dlogev  (1) 


Define  investment  as 

I'9sS  (2) 

4.      Labor  Market 

Let  all  firms  be  facing  the  same  Cobb-Douglas  production  function 

X  =  aL'S*  (3) 

where  0  <  a  <  1,  0  <  B  <  1,  a  +  B  =  1,  and  a  >  0. 

Such  a  linearly  homogeneous  production  function  rules  out  nonpure 
competition  rooted  in  economies  of  scale  but  not  nonpure  competition 
rooted  in  product  differentiation.   So  let  each  firm  have  found  its 
niche  within  a  large  group  of  rivals.   The  firm  could  sell  more  at  a 
lower  price  not  matched  by  the  rivals:   their  very  multitude  would  make 
the  encroachment  upon  each  of  them  so  negligible  that  nobody  would  be 
forced  to  follow  suit.   In  that  hypothetical  case  let  all  firms  be 
facing  the  same  constant-elasticity  demand  function 

P  =  bX* 

where  0  >  T]  >  -1  is  the  reciprocal  of  a  Marshallian  price  elasticity  of 
demand.   Our  solutions  will  display  the  factor  0<l+t)<ltobe 
thought  of  as  a  measure  of  the  degree  of  competition  in  the  goods 
market.   Under  pure  competition  firms  cannot  control  price,  and  the 
equality  sign  holds:   1  +  r\    =1.   The  less  pure  competition  in  the 
goods  market  is,  the  lower  the  factor  1  +  ti  . 

Nonpurely  competitive  firms  optimize  employment  by  equating  the 
money  wage  rate  with  the  marginal-revenue  productivity  of  labor: 

w*   (1  +  r\)p££ 

Carry  out  the  differentiation,  rearrange,  and  write  mark-up  price 

P  =  I ^k  (4) 

o(l  +  x\)    X 

Knowing  the  mark-up  price  (4)  corresponding  to  a  given  money  wage 
rate,  we  know  the  real  wage  rate  w/P  and  may  express  the  demand  for 
labor  as  a  function  of  it.   Insert  (3)  into  (4)  and  rearrange: 

L  =  [aa(l  +  ii)]l/*(w/P)'1/*S  <5> 

As  Lindbeck-Snower  (1989:   373)  observed,  firms  facing  the  same 
production  and  demand  functions  as  well  as  the  same  factor  prices  will 
behave  alike,  i.e.,  decide  on  the  same  factor  use  (5)  and  (12),  the  same 
physical  output  (3),  and  the  same  mark-up  price  (4).   If  so,  (3),  (4), 
(5),  and  (12)  are  easily  aggregated. 

Facing  aggregate  demand  for  labor  (5),  how  do  unions  respond? 
Friedman's  answer  (1968)  was  his  "natural"  rate  of  unemployment  to  which 
current  labor-market  literature  adds  institutional  color:   Lindbeck  and 
Snower  (1986)  and  Blanchard  and  Summers  (1988)  distinguish  between 
"insiders,"  who  are  employed  hence  decision-making,  and  "outsiders,"  who 
are  unemployed  hence  disenfranchised.   Let  insiders  accept  the  "natural" 
employment  rate  X   where  0  <  X  <   1.   In  other  words,  if  L  >  XF   insiders 
will  insist  on  a  higher  real  wage  rate.   If 

L=XF  <6) 

they  will  be  happy  with  the  existing  one.   If  L  <  XF   they  will  settle 
for  a  lower  one.   We  may  think  of  the  rate  A.  as  a  measure  of  the  degree 
of  competition  in  the  labor  market:   under  pure  competition  unions 
cannot  control  real  wage  rates,  and  the  eguality  sign  holds,  X   =   1.   The 
less  pure  competition  in  the  labor  market  is,  the  lower  the  rate  X. 

The  real  wage  rate  insiders  will  be  happy  with,  given  their 
natural  rate  X  of  employment,  might  be  called  the  "natural"  one.   Find 
it  by  inserting  (6)  into  (5)  and  rearranging: 

w/P  =  ao(l  +  n)  (\F)-*Sfi  (7> 

At  a  frozen  capital  stock  S,  then,  labor  can  have  a  B  percent 
higher  natural  real  wage  rate  by  accepting  a  one  percent  lower  natural 
rate  X   of  employment.   Under  rational  expectations  only  random  hence 
unanticipated  variations  of  the  money  supply  can  generate  deviations  of 
actual  from  natural. 

5.   Capital  Market 

But  in  the  long  run  physical  capital  stock  S  is  not  frozen  but 
optimized.   Define,  first,  its  physical  marginal  productivity 

«-■§•»!  (8) 

and,  second,  its  marginal-revenue  productivity 

(1  ♦  t\)kP 

Let  capital  stock  be  immortal.  Then  at  time  t  marginal-revenue 
productivity  (1  +  t|)K(t)P(t)  is  marginal  net  return  on  capital  stock, 
hence  taxed  at  the  rate  T.  Aftertax  marginal-revenue  productivity  of 
capital  stock  is  then  (1  +  r|  )  ( 1  -  T)K(t)P(t). 

Let  there  be  a  market  in  which  money  may  be  borrowed  at  the 
nominal  rate  of  interest  r.   It  will  follow  presently  from  our 
definition  (9)  and  our  solution  (30)  that  r  is  stationary.   Let  nominal 
interest  expense  be  tax-deductible  at  the  rate  T.   Then  money  may  be 
borrowed  at  the  aftertax  nominal  rate  (1  -  T)r.   Let  that  rate  be 
applied  when  discounting  future  cash  flows.   As  seen  from  the  present 
time  t,  then,  aftertax  marginal-revenue  productivity  of  capital  stock  is 
(1  +  ti  )  (1  -  T)K(t)P(t)e"(1  "  T)r(t  "  T).   Define  present  gross  worth  of 
another  physical  unit  of  capital  stock  as  the  present  worth  of  all 
future  aftertax  marginal-revenue  productivities  over  its  entire  useful 

(t)  ■  r   (1  +  n)  (1  -  DK(c)P(t)e-(1  "  nr(t-  T) 


Let  the  firm  expect  physical  marginal  productivity  of  capital 
stock  to  be  growing  at  the  stationary  rate  gK: 


K(t)  =  K(T)e*(t"T> 

and  price  of  output  to  be  growing  at  the  stationary  rate  gp: 

Pit)    =  P(x)eaple't) 

Insert  these  into  the  integral,  define 

p  -  (1  -  T)r   -  (gK   +  gp)  (9) 

and  write  the  integral  as 

(t)  =  J"  (1  +  r\)  (1  -  DK(T)P(T)e-«,(t-° 


Neither  (1  +  r\) ,    (1  -  T),  k(t),  nor  P(t)  is  a  function  of  t, 
hence  may  be  taken  outside  the  integral  sign.   Our  gK,  gp,  and  r  were 
all  said  to  be  stationary,  hence  the  coefficient  p  of  t  is  stationary, 
too.   Assume  p  >  0  and  find  the  integral  to  be 

k  =   (1   +  ti)  (1  -  r)KP/p  (10) 

Find  present  net  worth  of  another  physical  unit  of  capital  stock 
as  its  gross  worth  minus  its  price: 


n  ■  k  -  P  -  [(1  +  i])  (1  -  Dk/p  -  l]p 

Optimized  capital  stock  is  the  size  of  stock  for  which  the  present 
net  worth  of  another  physical  unit  of  capital  stock  equals  zero,  or 

(1  +  i|)  (1  -  T)K  -  p  (X1> 

Finally  insert  (8)  into  (11)  and  find  optimized  capital  stock 

S  =  P(l  +  r\)   (1  -  T)X/p  (12) 

Again,  for  optimized  capital  stock,  firms  facing  the  same 
production  and  demand  functions  as  well  as  the  same  factor  prices  will 
behave  alike,  i.e.,  decide  on  the  same  factor  use  (5)  and  (12),  the  same 
physical  output  (3),  and  the  same  mark-up  price  (4).   If  so,  (3),  (4), 
(5),  and  (12)  are  easily  aggregated. 

In  accordance  with  the  definition  (2)  the  growth  of  optimized 
capital  stock  (12)  is  optimized  investment 

J  -  g^  =  P(l  +  ti)  (1  -  Tig^/p  (13) 

What  is  p?   As  we  shall  see  presently,  our  model  will  have  the 
solution  (28)  g  =  0.   Historically,  for  good  measure,  k  has  displayed 

no  secular  trend.   But  if  gK  =  0  the  definition  (9)  of  p  collapses  into 
the  aftertax  real  rate  of  interest  (1  -  T)r  -  gp. 

Keynes  and  Fisher  are  special  cases  of  (11).   If  there  is  pure 
competition,  1  +  r\    =1,  and  taxation  but  no  inflation,  gp  =  0,  (11) 
collapses  into  the  Keynesian  case  k  =  r.   If  there  is  pure  competition, 
1  +  r]    =1,  and  inflation  but  no  taxation,  T  =  0,  (11)  collapses  into 
the  Fisherian  (1896)  case  k  =  r  -  gp.   But  with  nonpure  competition, 
inflation,  and  taxation  all  present,  nothing  less  than  (11)  will  do. 

6.   Consumption 

Capital  stock  was  assumed  to  be  immortal,  so  we  may  ignore  capital 
consumption  allowances  and  define  national  income  as  the  market  value  of 
physical  output 

Y  -  PX  <14) 

Let  all  such  national  income  be  taxed  once  and  at  the  rate  T. 
Then  tax  revenue  is 

R  =  TY  <15) 

where  0  <  T  <  1, 

Define  disposable  income  as  national  income  minus  tax  revenue: 

y  -  Y  -  R  (16) 

Let  consumption  be  the  fraction  c  of  disposable  real  income: 

C  =  cy/P  (17> 

where  0  <  c  <  1. 

7.   Money 

As  a  first  approximation  let  government  finance  a  deficit  by 
increasing  the  money  supply.   The  government  budget  constraint  then 
collapses  into 

GP  -  R   =  gMM  (18) 

As  a  first  approximation  let  the  demand  for  money  be  a  function  of 
money  national  income  but  not1  of  the  rate  of  interest: 

D  =  mY  (19) 

where  m  >  0. 

8.   Equilibrium 

As  we  saw,  the  labor  market  may  not  clear:   there  is  a  natural 
rate  of  employment  0  <  X   <   1.   But  two  equilibrating  variables,  i.e., 
the  aftertax  real  rate  of  interest  p  and  price  P  will  clear  the  goods 
and  money  markets,  respectively: 

X  =  C  +  I  +  G  (20) 

M=D  (21) 

We  may  now  solve  our  system  for  its  rates  as  well  as  its  levels  of 


1.   Convergence  of  Growth  Rates 

Consider  the  growth  rates  g  of  joint  factor  productivity,  gF  of 
available  labor  force,  and  gM  of  the  money  supply  to  be  parameters,  and 
let  all  other  growth  rates  be  variables  to  be  solved  for.   Consider  our 
natural  rate  of  employment  X   a  stationary  parameter.   Then  insert  (6) 
into  (3),  take  the  growth  rate  (1),  and  find 

9X  =  9a   +  o-9P  +  $9S  (22) 

Insert  (2),  (14)  through  (19),  and  (21)  into  (20),  rearrange,  and 
find  the  rate  of  growth  of  physical  capital  stock 

g3  =  [(1  -  c)  (1  -  D  -  9„™\XlS  (23) 

For  the  following  reasons  the  square  bracket  of  (23)  is 
stationary.   First,  the  growth  rate  gM  of  the  money  supply  was  said  to 
be  stationary.   Second,  all  parameters  c,  m,  and  T  were  said  to  be 
stationary.   Consequently  the  growth  rate  (1)  of  the  growth  rate  (23), 
i.e.,  the  rate  of  acceleration  of  physical  capital  stock  is  simply 


9gsm  9x~  9S 

Insert    (22)    and  write  the  rate  of   acceleration  as 

9gs  =  *(9j*  +  9F  ~  9S)  <24) 

In    (24)    there   are   three   possibilities:       if   g_   >  ga/a   +  gf   then 

ggS  <   0.      If 

9S  =  9 J*  +  9r  <25> 

then  g  -  =  0.   Finally,  if  gs  <  g  /a   +  gF,  then  g  _  >  0.   Consequently, 
if  greater  than  (25)  gs  is  falling;  if  equal  to  (25)  gs  is  stationary; 
and  if  less  than  (25)  gs  is  rising.   We  conclude  that  gs  must  either 
equal  g  /a   +  gF  from  the  outset  or,  if  it  does  not,  converge  to  that 

Solow's  (1956)  convergence  proof,  then,  survived  our  adding 
government  and  nonpure  competition.   With  the  convergence  proof  secured, 
we  may  easily  find  the  corresponding  values  of  other  growth  rates: 
insert  (25)  into  (22),  recall  that  a   +  R   =  1,  and  solve  for  the  growth 
rate  of  physical  output 

ffx  =  9S  <26> 

Take  the  growth  rate  (1)  of  (7),  insert  (25)  and  (26),  and  solve 
for  the  growth  rate  of  the  real  wage  rate 

9V/P  =  9 Jo-  (27> 

Take  the  growth  rate  (1)  of  (8),  insert  (26),  and  solve  for  the 
growth  rate  of  physical  marginal  productivity  of  capital  stock 

gK   =  0  (28) 

Insert  (19)  and  (21)  into  (14),  take  the  growth  rate  (1)  of  the 
result,  insert  (25)  and  (26),  and  solve  for  the  rate  of  inflation 

9P  =  9M  ~   (9a/<*  *  gF)  <29) 

2 .   Levels 

We  already  have  the  solution  for  labor  employed: 

L=XF  (6) 

Insert  (23)  into  (12)  and  solve  for  the  aftertax  real  rate  of 

p  =  P(l  +  r\)  (1  -  T)/H,   where  <30) 

(l  -  c)  (l  -  r)  -  g Mm 

H   ■  — 

where  g_  stands  for  (25).   Next  insert  (3),  (6),  and  (30)  into  (12)  and 
solve  for  physical  capital  stock 

S  =  a^'H^'XF  <31> 

Insert  (6)  and  (31)  into  (3)  and  solve  for  physical  output 

X  =  a1/aH*/a\F  <32) 

Insert  (31)  into  (7)  and  solve  for  the  real  wage  rate 

w/P  =  a1/aa(l  +  ti)Hp/a  <33) 

Insert  (19),  (21),  and  (32)  into  (14)  and  solve  for  price 


p  =  — T-4-, —  (34> 


Our  levels  (30)  through  (34)  will  be  positive  and  finite  if  and 
only  if 

H  >   0,  (35) 

an  inequality  easily  satisfied. 

Our  level  (30)  is  stationary.   Our  levels  (31),  (32),  (33),  and 
(34)  are  indeed  growing  at  the  rates  (25),  (26),  (27),  and  (29), 

Divide  (18)  by  Y,  use  (19)  and  (21),  and  solve  for  the  deficit 
share  of  money  national  income 

GP  -  R (36) 

=  9Mm 

Rearrange  (36),  insert  (15),  and  solve  for  the  government-purchase 
share  of  money  national  income 

GP/Y  =  gMm  +  T  (37) 

Our  levels  (36)  and  (37)  are  stationary. 


1.   Sensitivity  of  Levels  to  Nonpure  Competition  in  Goods  Market 

Our  factor  prices  (30)  and  (33)  are  in  direct  proportion  to  1  +  t| 
hence  are  the  lower  the  less  pure  competition  is  in  the  goods  market. 
No  other  level  has  any  1  +  r\    in  it. 

Less  pure  competition,  then,  merely  depresses  factor  prices  but 
has  no  effect  upon  factor  use  (6)  and  (31),  physical  output  (32),  or  the 
price  of  goods  (34).   As  a  result,  less  pure  competition  redistributes 
income  in  favor  of  entrepreneurs  at  the  expense  of  capitalists  and 
labor.   Such  redistribution  is  the  result  of  a  successful  search  for 
niches — hence  is  a  Schumpeterian  incentive  to  such  a  search. 

2.   Sensitivity  of  Levels  to  Nonpure  Competition  in  Labor  Market 

Factor  use  (6)  and  (31)  and  physical  output  (32)  are  in  direct 
proportion  to  X   hence  are  the  lower  the  less  pure  competition  is  in  the 
labor  market.   Price  (34)  is  in  inverse  proportion  to  X   hence  is  the 
higher  the  less  pure  competition  is  in  the  labor  market.   No  other  level 
has  any  X   in  it. 

Such  invar iance  of  factor  prices  (30)  and  (33)  with  1  sheds  new 
light  on  union  policy. 

In  the  short  run,  i.e.,  at  a  frozen  physical  capital  stock,  labor 
could  have  a  higher  natural  real  wage  rate  (7)  by  accepting  a  lower 
natural  rate  X   of  employment.   But  in  the  long  run,  i.e.,  at  an  unfrozen 
and  optimized  capital  stock,  labor  can  have  no  such  higher  real  wage 
rate:   the  natural  rate  X   of  employment  is  gone  from  our  real  wage  rate 
(33)1   The  clue  is  scale.   If  both  factor  use  (6)  and  (31)  and  physical 
output  (32)  are  in  direct  proportion  to  X,    a  lower  natural  rate  X   simply 
reduces  the  entire  economy  to  a  lower  scale.   Here  factor  marginal 
productivities  remain  the  same.   But  the  economy  is  accumulating 
proportionately  less  capital  stock  and  producing  proportionately  less 
output,  i.e.,  is  impoverishing  itself.   Labor  doesn't  benefit.   Nobody 

The  time  has  come  to  turn  to  public  policy. 


1.   Sensitivity  to  Monetary  Policy 

Take  partial  derivatives  with  respect  to  the  rate  of  growth  of  the 
money  supply  of  (6)  and  (29)  through  (37)  and  find: 

P   =  1  (38) 

4^-   =  0  (39) 


-|£.  =  -?L£   >  o  (40) 

d9„        93  H 

te    =  -1J11   <  o  (41) 

dgM  a  gs  H 

4*-   =  -1-™  *  <  o  (42) 

dgH  a.  g3  H 


jjg/g)    =  -£JLJ*/P   <  o  (43) 

d9„  *  93     " 

4L   =   IjLl  >   o  (44) 

3[(gP-*)/Y]    =m>  Q  (45) 


d{f^    =m>0  (46) 


2.   Friedman's  Dichotomy 

Our  growth-rate  solutions  (25)  through  (29)  do  display  Friedman's 
(1968)  dichotomy  between  real  and  nominal  variables:   no  growth-rate 
solution  for  the  four  real  variables  S,  X,  w/P,  or  k  has  the  rate  of 
growth  of  the  money  supply  in  it,  and  the  growth-rate  solution  for  the 
nominal  variable  P  does  have  the  rate  of  growth  of  the  money  supply  in 

But  our  level  solutions  (30)  through  (34)  display  no  such 
dichotomy:   the  level  solutions  for  the  four  real  variables  p,  S,  X,  and 

w/P  all  have  the  rate  of  growth  of  the  money  supply  in  them,  and  so  does 
the  level  solution  for  the  nominal  variable  P. 

3.   Sensitivity  to  Fiscal  Policy 

Take  partial  derivatives  with  respect  to  the  tax  rate  of  (6)  and 
(29)  through  (37)  and  find: 

^=0  (47) 


%.   -  0  <48> 


3£  =  P(l  *  r\)   9Mm   > 

dT  gs  h2 

jg  a-AA-Z-£jg  <  o  (50) 

dT  a      g3     H 

M  =   -lllii  <  o 



d(w/P)    =  _  P  1  -  c  w/P       Q  (52) 

if  =  P  1  -  CP  >  0 
dT        a      g3     H 


d[(GP  -  R)/Y] 

0  (54) 

d(GP/Y)    _  (55) 


4.   Conclusions  on  Public  Policy 

Monetarist  and  New  Classical  supply-side  equilibria  were  as  static 
as  the  Keynesian  demand-side  equilibrium  had  been:   capital  stock 
remained  frozen  rather  than  being  optimized.   At  such  frozen  capital 
stock  and  a  "natural"  rate  of  employment,  physical  output  would  be 
immune  to  monetary  and  fiscal  policy. 

Did  our  dynamization  of  supply-side  equilibria  make  any 

It  did  indeed.   Consider  a  higher  gM  or  a  higher  T — both 
permitting  a  larger  public  sector  according  to  (46)  and  (55).   Our 

long-run  unfrozen  and  optimized  capital  stock  and  output  were  the 
functions  (31)  and  (32),  respectively,  of  our  policy  instruments  gM  and 
T.   How  would  (31)  and  (32)  respond  to  a  higher  gM  or  a  higher  T? 

Certainly  not  in  a  Keynesian  manner:   they  would  not  be  up. 
Certainly  not  in  a  monetarist  manner:   they  would  not  stay  the  same. 
According  to  our  (41)  and  (42)  or  (50)  and  (51)  they  would  be  down. 
According  to  (43)  and  (52)  the  real  wage  rate  would  also  be  down.   What 
brought  such  calamities  about  was  a  higher  aftertax  real  rate  of 
interest  according  to  (40)  and  (49). 

A  truly  expansionary  policy,  then,  should  lower,  not  raise  gM  and 
T.   But  whereas  a  lower  gM  would  also  lower  inflation  and  the  deficit 
share  according  to  (38)  and  (45),  a  lower  T  would  leave  inflation  and 
deficit  share  the  same  according  to  (47)  and  (54). 

5.   What  Survived? 

Two  essential  propositions  of  a  supply-side  equilibrium  survived 
our  nonpure  competition  and  our  dynamization.   The  first  is  the  immunity 
of  employment  (6)  to  public  policy:   according  to  our  (39)  and  (48)  such 
policy  cannot  affect  employment. 

The  second  surviving  proposition  is  the  existence  of  a  price 
mechanism.   We  have  indeed  treated  price  as  an  equilibrating  variable 


and  have  solved  in  (29,  for  its  growth  rate  and  in  ,34)  for  its  ievei. 
Both  solutions  were  found  to  be  sensitive  to  public  policy. 




1A  zero  elasticity  of  the  demand  for  money  with  respect  to  the 
nominal  rate  of  interest  was  accepted  by  an  early  Friedman  (1959)  but 
not  by  a  later  one  (1966). 

2The  economic  meaning  of  the  inequality  (35)  is  simply  that 
crowding-out  must  never  be  complete.   Reality  easily  satisfies  such  an 
inequality.   Let  1  -  c  =  0.08  and  m  =  1/5.   Then  at  a  United-States-like 
gM  =  0.06  the  tax  rate  T  could  rise  to  0.85  before  violating  (35).   Or 
at  a  United-States-like  T  =  1/4  the  rate  of  growth  gM  of  the  money 
supply  could  rise  to  0.3  before  violating  (35). 



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